jueves, julio 18, 2002

My favorite commercial has Madonna's Ray of Light playing in the background and a bright green field against a bright blue sky (and people flying - I think it's for Sony Vaio). Whenever I look out the window of my school, I see this bright green grass of a rolling hill and the bright blue sky behind it...it sets my heart aflame with joy.

It's been a rocky start here as some of you well know- being re-routed again and again while my luggage left the other way around the world..having no luggage for days...culture shock (large Asian population here, and the people that speak English speak funny and I couldn't understand them...worse yet, they couldn't understand me either) Very demoralizing. Then it rained everyday for my first three weeks and I discovered that my only sweater smells like a baby alpaca if it's even slightly damp and my kid leather trenchcoat isn't really meant for rain but my tweed jacket soaks up the rain very well. Then I was hit by a car (just bruised, nothing worthy of Hollywood) at which point I smiled, waved the driver on and promptly found a place to cry into the night "That's it!!! I'm soaking wet again, I miss my cat and I've been hit by a car- I'm going home!!" After taking a deep breath I of course realized that my ticket doesn't return to Barcelona for 6 months and I didn't have much money so I might as well go to look at the flat I was on my way to see. Loved the flat, the guy drove me home afterwards with a tongue in cheek warning about cars. Then I drank a cup of jasmine green tea and went to bed with the determination to see it all through. I got the flat the next day, and I'm much happier now that I'm living there. I may feel like I'm still a babe in the woods, but I'm a bit old to be staying in University accomodations. Particularly when some the residents are my own students.

Those of you who know me well know that I have a difficult time each and everytime I'm in a new place and may even be baffled as to why I continue to move so very much, and to you I say "It's a madness. I can't help it and further more, I wouldn't change a thing." It is a mystery to be sure, but that is the great joy of being a Gemini and having two completely opposite personalities existing in one body. One needs the constant change in order to live and the other hates changes and clings to traditions and habits like there's no tomorrow. I'd like to see you pacify both of these!! It's no easy task, I can tell you! Fortunately, both sides of me suffer one another and take turns being in the forefront, each knowing that their turn will come again.

I'm looking forward to great adventures here in New Zealand. I bought a rain coat in a brilliant Kermit the Frog had a nuclear accident green (easier for cars to see), a rainproof trekking backpack, hiking boots and a non smelly sweater. The sun came out and I look to the right when crossing the street (they drive on the left). I love my new room, the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning is the sky against a beautiful green hill (there is a volcano in the middle of the city). I love my flat mates, three great guys- a German student, a biomedical engineer, and a graphic designer (Jer---, Brian and Gareth) The German guy just moved in, I'll remember his name in a few days. People here are very friendly (even if they do talk funny) and the skin care is everything I always wanted, even if the toilet paper smells (perfumed!! Can you believe it??!). Spanish speakers, you are welcome to correct my grammar on my Spanish postings- I'm doing my best to not only keep up my Spanish, but to improve and be conversational in December when I return to BCN for Christmas and New Years.

I must go now, but until the next installment enjoy life to the fullest!