martes, mayo 18, 2004

the book is a work in progress...

Gosh, going back through my journals of the last year is proving to be (emotionally) harder than I thought. I've never had such a year: discovery of outdoor adventure sports, islands, continents, mountains, glaciers, languages, hospitals, nearly dying in a third world country, love found, love lost like a French film, being crazy (high fever taints your thoughts), tattoos, piercing, more countries, deserts, planes, trains, buses, collectivos, cars, horses, walking, dancing, and more cold showers than I care to remember!

I can't even begin to explain how I am here, at this moment on a bench in Barcelona with Sagrada Familia casting its shadow o'er me in clean and fashionable clothes (rather than my traveling uniform of a homeless vagabond), high heels and my journal.

I just can't make sense of it.


That not withstanding, the book is forthcoming. I hope to have something publishable in a year.