martes, mayo 13, 2008

the best bits...

I've had a lovely weekend.
1. I saw an exhibit of 430 Picasso works of art at the Reina Sofia Museum. The director of the Picasso Museum in Paris told journalists, 'It is the first time that this many works leave the museum in Paris. You can only stage such an exhibition every 30 or 50 years,'

...and I saw it for free. I love this country.

2. Inadvertently, our Spanish flatmate was planning a dinner party last night, as were my other flatmates. Fortunately, our flat is big enough to create two separate dining areas. I turned the bar into a dining space complete with candles and such and we had a cozy dinner for 5, while in the next room they had a dinner for 10.

I love this flat.

Best conversation:
A friend who had stayed in our guest room, to me upon entering the room to collect her absinthe (she was the only one who had been drinking absinthe the night before).
"Hmm..I might still be drunk," she reflected.
I smiled sympathetically.
"Well, you know...I didn't actually drink that much."
I raised my eyebrow and stifled a grin.
She grabbed the bottle of absinthe, which was down a third. We both looked at the bottle and I stifled a giggle, eyebrow still raised. "Uff, wow, maybe I did," she thought further, "but I wasn't really drunk."
I looked at her and barely contained the laughter.
"Well," she continued,"I mean, I didn't drink all of that. Some of it splashed out when I caught my hand on fire."
I burst out laughing hysterically, "Oh no, you weren't drunk- just caught your hand on fire!"

-it was a priceless moment, glass after glass, she had studiously poured the absinthe over sugar, into the glass with water and lit the spoon on fire while doing so. We were all fascinated and always looked over when she was burning it. So, naturally all of us were watching when suddenly, she jerked, her hand went up in pretty blue flames and she exclaimed, "Oh! ...Shit!" then blew it out. (Please note- her hand was not injured- she had splashed absinthe on it and the alcohol was all that burned.)

Best picture on a profile

Thank you, for this beautiful pic , you have made my day that much brighter. :-)