domingo, agosto 13, 2006


If you know me, you know I'm the exciteable sort. If you knew me the last six months I was in Boston after I decided to leave the USA to never know that I'm the unbelievably exciteable sort.

-For those of you who didn't know me way back then: I was too excited to eat or sleep more than the minimum to keep me alive for about 6 months and dropped down from a size 4 to a size 0 to 1. Apparently we need more than 3-4 hours of sleep a night to really activate our memories: I have about 6 memories in as many months. I DO remember a lot of 16-20 hour work days as I prepared for the transition. After work, I still had so much energy that I would walk home in an attempt to wear myself down. By the end of those six months, because of lack of food and sleep and living on pure (drug free) adrenalin), I vaguely recall that about two ciders/beers made me so fantastically drunk that I was unable to function, was very ill for many hours and when I finally did go to sleep and then to work the next day I realised I was still fact I was drunk for about 15 or 16 hours...very drunk. (The body normally processes one drink per 15-16 hours of being ridiculously drunk off of two drinks is well...a sign that all is not right with the body). That was one of the few days that I didn't work 16 hours...I went home looking green and grey and luckily everyone assumed it was the stomach flu going round the office.

But, I I am in Madrid and I am so amazingly full of excitement over the incredible freedoms I have here compared to the Maldives and I'm not sleeping, I'm forgetting to meditate and when I go out I find that I'm super, super excited...I can see it in the eyes of people that they are well...
They may have the same look in their eyes when watching a car wreck in progress...or they may actually be both fascinated and afraid that they will get their fingers chopped off if they get to close to my spinning craziness. It takes about 3 glasses of wine to dull me down to my normal excitement level, at which point I guess they look less in fear of their lives.

Still...the people I've met so far are lovely. Life is a beautiful thing.