officially going to russia
...I'm heading to Moscow via a two day train trip beginning tomorrow. I will be in a three bed cabin, which if it is like the one I was in last night, it rather fantastic in that it is the size of a tiny Barcelona single room (or a small American walk in closet) with a three tier bunk bed and a fold away sink.
I'll be bringing my own food and plenty of drink. If my stupid paperweight of a new laptop is actually FUNCTIONING, then I'll probably watch movies on that as well as learn some Russian on the way. I haven't decided which is more useful: *"Learn basic Russian in flight" or a proper phrase book. These are the two best ones in my budget range that I've managed to locate in a book store near me.
*Note, YES, I realise that either one is extremely limited, but I figure it would be useful to have at least basic phrases down before going, given the unexpected nature of my going, rather than a planned and looked forward to trip.
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