For me in my life, I began at the top of the world and worked my way down in inconveniences. Saying that of course, in comparison to other Americans, I didn't really have any conveniences (microwave, central heat and air, garbage disposals...I can't even think of what other things they have. electric rotating closets maybe?) still, as a poor american, I could still manage an airconditioner (which I couldn't use much -$$$), some sort of small heater in winter- or I'd open up my oven turned on high, and half an hour in the shower- but better yet, LARGE BATHS FULL OF SCALDING HOT WATER. Ahhh. I remember them well...I used to choose my apartment based on the size and shape of the I choose my habitation based on the bathroom too. For example: does it have a toilet, or is it a muddy hole in the ground shared by 6 people? (I really DID see this. In the city center too. The bathrooms here are revolting. There is no concept of hygiene and no one washes their hands wonder I got sick)
I live in a rather luxurious place right now. Someone just told me that it was the nicest area in all of Cusco. I pay $80 a month. (which believe it or not, is rather expensive for me right now and so I'm having be very careful with my money) The house is nice, there's a sparse garden in front, and heavily bolted locks worthy of the army on both the huge heavy gate and the front door. My room is a good size- a little bigger than my room in NZ. I have a bed with some very heavy stiff llama blankets which, when combined with heavy socks, a t-shirt, thick sweater, sarong, silk robe, gloves, heavy alpaca scarf wrapped around my head and neck, another large alpaca wrap around my legs and the rest of my body, and if I sleep with my head under the covers- I stay warm.
I have my own bathroom (sort of) which is lovely and has a hot water tap in the sink!! This is a luxury beyond dreams. I can wash my face with WARM WATER!!!!!! THe shower has about two minutes of water that's kind of warm before it goes cold. I've approached this problem by showering daily with a different goal. Today I washed my hair, yesterday my body.
In my room however, I have a color tv with cable!!!!!!
I also have a lovely wicker chair and a little table, aside from my wardrobe (how grand to unpack my backpack!) and bedside table. Besides this, I have a very large window that covers the wall above my bed, and there's another garden outside my window. It's peaceful. I'm using the tv to learn more spanish. I think I'm doing really well. I'm to a point now, where if I don't understand a word, you can explain it to me in spanish and I'll understand. It's nice. I'm also a little clearer on future and past tenses (by no means perfectly).
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