viernes, julio 08, 2005

immense fish glide through the sky...

Days here come and go with astonishing rapidity. Already two weeks gone is my sushi fight and hostility. Rain has returned, and two weeks from today I will be flying to Colombo, then to Amman and finally Barcelona. I will spend a week with my best friend in my favorite city, followed by over a month in said city, then a trip to Amman (Jordan), back through Colombo (Sri Lanka) and finally home to Maldives.

There are good and bad times mentally and emotionally for all of the ex-patriates here. Now is a good time, except that I'm still convinced I will fail my upcoming grammar exam, and I still need to finish my projects (and have only two weeks to do so.)

I leave you with good wishes, happy thoughts and a Neruda poem.

March returns with its secretive light,
immense fish glide through the sky,
vague terrestrial vapors move along quietly,
one by one all things succumb to the silence.

In this crisis of the wandering weather, luckily
you joined the sea's lives to the fire's lives:
gray motions of the ship of winter,
the shape that love impressed on the guitar.

O love, O rose moistened by the mermaids and the foam,
fir that dances adn climbs invisible stairs,
that wakes the blood in teh tunnels of sleeplessness:

so that the waves may exhaust themselves in the sky,
the sea forgets its goods and its lions,
the world drop into the shadowy nets.


El mes de marzo vuelve con su luz escondida
y se deslizan peces inmensos por el cielo,
vago vapor terrestre progresa sigiloso,
una por una caen al silencio las cosas.

Por suerte en esta crisis de atmosfera errabunda
reuniste las vidas del mar con las del fuego,
el movimiento gris de la nave de invierno,
la forma que el amor imprimio'a la guitarra.

Oh amor, rosa mojada por sirenas y espumas,
fuego que baila y sube la invisible escalera
y despierta en el tunel del insomnio a la sangre

para que se consuman las olas en el cielo,
olvide el mar sus bienes y leones
y caiga el mundo adentro de las redes oscuras

-Pablo Neruda