New bathing strategies...
I was sick for a couple of days (when am I NOT in Peru??) and I missed out on a couple of two minute showers. This morning I had to wash everything and I never did manage to get even lukewarm water in the shower.
I soaped up my hair outside of the shower by splashing the frigid water onto my hair and then applying shampoo. Then I waited...and waited.
The water never did warm up. I then remembered that everytime the Seńora went on and on about how glorius it was that there was hot water (as I argued, freezing and wet that there wasn't) she would turn on the steaming hot kitchen sink as proof. Went into the kitchen straightway and rinsed my hair in glorius hot water. sigh. so nice.
Next I was faced with the rest of me. What to do? I finally ran a mini-bath in my bathroom sink (which also had warm to hot water that was missing from the shower) and bathed bit by bit from the sink.
Half an hour later, as I walked back into the bathroom with my crazy towel- dried wet hair, the Seńora saw me and exclaimed that "Today there is lots of hot water!! Go ahead, take a shower now!" I just looked at her. I know in truth, I talked a bit with her, but truly I was just staring in amazement.
Fortunately, I happen to like crazy people..
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