viernes, diciembre 31, 2004

make a donation

The death toll continues to rise at such an astounding rate. It's pretty scary to think of the potential problems of diseases and such. If you are interested in helping the victims, Please click on the title of this entry, or cut and paste
It's Red Cross International. Of all of the organizations I found on the web, I figured they are the most helpful and in the know how when it comes to international aid.

I'm in Borneo at the moment and will be out of reach for a few days. I have received so many emails from friends and loved ones all over the world. I'm really touched. I am sorry that I don't have enough time to respond to each email at the moment. I will try to do so when I get back. In the mean time, know that I am safe and sound. The worst problem that I have here on my holiday is that it's monsoon season in the jungles here and so I won't be able to to as serious camping/trekking as I would like to. (Too dangerous) I'll be limited to day trips but will be staying in a longhouse community 3 hours upriver in the jungle. I'm very excited about that. Staying in a longhouse is by invitation only, and not a lot of tourists get to actually stay and live with a family.

Please consider donating the international relief effort. This is the most devastating catastrophe the world has seen in a long time, and it could get worse before it gets better. Even the survivors are now in danger as fresh water, food and shelter are in short supply.