no worries, i'm fine
My goodness. What to say? I just walked back in the door of my hostel in Singapore after spending a very excellent X-mas in Bintan Indonesia. I did not have access to tv or any news while I was there, and so was greatly surprised when I received a panicked phone call from someone on my island asking if I was ok. I was buying fruit on a very peaceful day. She said that there were big waves, some of the villas were flooded and we had lost half of our jetty.
I didn't really understand why. I just found out. I am ok. I'm very lucky that at the last minute I decided to come here and not to Phuket as originally planned. I had planned on going to Malaysia tomorrow, but I will check and see what's effected first.
I'm fine. No worries. Pray for all of those effected by this tremendous earthquake. They are expecting another round. Perhaps I'll wait here in the mean time. Singapore is not effected.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those effected. I have friends in most places mentioned. They are now my neighbors. In Maldives mostly the buildings were effected.
I'm watching the news now. It's overwhelming.
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