sábado, agosto 02, 2003

God let me know that everything is going to be all right...

Yesterday was perhaps the best day in Peru. I spent 3 hours of tediousness at the university calculating the grades of my 68 students and writing them 3 times each in three different ways...(this wasn't the good part, but finishing felt grand!) Afterwards, I rode in a minibus (very crowded van- it's the REALLY cheap way to get a ride into town) and met EJ at his place.

EJ is another professor at the university, but in England he had a piercing parlor. Now he pierces out of his room at home. He had quite a few piercings lined up for the day and couldn't hang. Luckily, his flatmate Larissa (from Oz) was there and we started talking. It was SOOOOoooooo fabulous to have an entertaining and animated conversation in English!! I never talk in English here except in class. Even if someone speaks better english than my spanish, I usually forget and speak to them in spanish (they don't mind) cause I just don't know many english speakers and I've been here for months. Later, Nadia (Irish) joined us. Talking with them was a real eye-opener.

There is a bit of a problem with a lot of males here- no respect for women. I've been very lucky to be under the protection of a tough guy here- no one would even consider doing anything to harm me (except maybe a rogue taxi driver- I'm careful with taxis). Quite a few rapes happen here, among other things.

Afterwards, I stopped by the studio and rough-housed a bit and danced with the guys before going home. At home, I had a wonderful conversation with Coco (housemate) and then a miracle happened....

I had a HOT, STEAMY, LENGTHY shower. It went on and on. It was amazing!!! I washed everything twice, just cause I could. Then I just stood there in the hot water. I finally CHOSE to end the shower after about half an hour!! I CHOSE to end it!!!!!!!!!

I went to bed feeling warm, relaxed and absolutely happy.

Today, I had clean clothes to wear (a surprise- a friend loaned me 10 soles to get me through to my paycheck, so I could get my clothes out of the laundry!), I got paid, I'm finished with school!

Finally, I went out to eat and had a fabulous meal for 10 soles including some rotgut wine (there's no other type here) and when I finished I went to the bathroom and there was both toilet paper AND SOAP!!!!

In my two months in Peru I have only seen toilet paper in a bathroom one time (including in homes) and soap on a seperate occasion (including homes).

-oh, also won two games of solitaire in a row. Different types of games. I knew that God was just telling me that I was going to be allright. The hard stuff is over!!

Peace to all of you.