b>Life and travel is not without it's hitches...even MY life and travels!
I arrived to Osaka airport quite unsure of my own arrival. All I knew was that I woke up because everyone was getting off and the cleaners were coming on. Having had an earlier experience with being kicked off a train in order for it to be cleaned, only to get back on the train minutes later- I wasn't convinced.
I exited the train looking for signs. Hmm. People standing outside the train with baggage. Not acceptably undeniable proof. I myself was standing outside the train with baggage.
I got out my train ticket which said Kyoto- Kenai airport a couple of numbers and a whole lotta' Japanese. I stopped a middleaged business man and pointed at my ticket then pointed to the floor while making my entire face into a question and finally shrugged my shoulders in askance.
He seemed mildly bemused by my antics but played nicely with a return of "Kyoto?" to which I shook my head, pointed at Kenai Airport while saying it outloud and then threw in a follow-up point to the ground while repeating the name Kenai.
He agreed and I made my way into the wild (but incredibly civilized) maze of the airport
When I arrived at the counter finally after a succession of women giving me directions in Japanese, I was told that,"Oh. I'm terribly sorry. Your flight is delayed." Hmm... "How delayed?" She looked at the computer screen, bit her lip and looked away as if deciding whether or not to say. She then met my eyes and gave me a sympathetic but firm, "Five hours".
Wow. At the airport 3 and 1/2 hours early AND I get an extra 5 on top of that!
I spent a good couple of hours smelling incense and eating samples. The most memorable were chocolate. One was incredible!! Truly fabulous, dark, smooth, creamy...even at 1000 Yen I considered buying it. Finally ruled it out after considering the hangover I'd get from eating all of it at once (as I was sure to do). The other chocolate was a sister to the first. This one however was coated in green which I assumed to be green tea. Most unfortunate assumption!! Tasted like fish. Mmm. Imagine -cool creamy seaweed/fish with chocolate. As delicious as it sounds. (shudder)
Hours number 3 and 4
I pointed at a dinner of I-don't-know-what that was lovely. Ate slowly. Very slowly.
Hours 6 and 7
Bought a Sapporo Shot Bottle and settled down in the lounge to watch an episode of Deep Space Nine (in English)
Not bad....
Not bad at all......
hmm...that bar's pretty close to the lounge...
Hour number 8
....the piano has been drinking heavily.
Ladies and gentleman, Elvis has left the building. Please leave your 3-D glasses in the box with the attendant and thank you for coming to the show...
......please join us next time at the restaurant at the end of the universe for a show never to be forgotten!!
....the piano has been drinking, not me...
......only 42 minutes until we can finally board
la da da dem....the piano....heavily...
.......39 minutes.
I'm already making plans for the plane.
1. Put stuff in overhead compartment.
2. Sleep.
Right. Glad that's over with. 36 minutes......
..the piano has been drinking...and he's YOUR friend, not mine. He's NOt my ResPOnsiBility.....The piano has been drinking, not me..NOt mE....