jueves, julio 25, 2002

I've thought of a new ploy..while not actually interested in members of the opposite (or any) sex at the moment, I have just in fact discovered a secret worth quite a bit. There is a cafe in The Rialto- the same center that has the theatre that shows all of the art films- where there is an attractive barista. My first time there I asked about the possibilites of a skim milk mocha...impossible as they make up the chocolate with the milk before hand. So I left very quickly not having an excuse for staying, and really wanting a mocha besides. I've thought of coming back- today was the day.

Upon closer examination (ie: sitting at the bar) I now realize that they seem to be multiplying (the attractive males). Since I've been sitting here, two more attractive males have come in, and made themselves very at home behind the bar. In particular the one at the espresso machine at the moment is a doll. Unfortunately he looks rather young..not illegal to drink in New Zealand young, but very early twenties.

I shall make a point of coming here more often. What a nice way to spend the three and a half hours between teaching classes! Practice my Spanish, add an installment to my book and have a nice cup of tea with some distracting eye candy that smiles shyly at me from time to time.

Hmmm....he really is lovely..

From atop of Rangitoto

I am at this very moment atop of Rangitoto. After that shameful climbing incident in Spain, I opted for climbing solo. I confess, I much prefer it. It is amazing being on top of an island with many more all around. Every where I look there are trees, ferns, mountains, and rolling hills. It's heavenly. A small bird with a rust colored chest, brown, white and black on it's wings, a light blue collar and a slight tuft of a crest is hopping near me with a curious look in it's eye.

A few more hikers are making their way up now (puffing hard- Hah! I was hardly winded!)

I'm glad I bothered to get up this morning- and YES it WAS a bother. The ferry left at 9am. However. this is by far the better day for it. The only regret is that I was unable to fully explore the caves because I didn't have a flashlight. Somehow my flashing camera wasn't quite the same and besides, feeling one's way on rough lava is none too easy on the bare hands. I will remedy this for future trips and always carry a torch in my pack. I wouldn't mind a bit of elven rope for that matter...

lunes, julio 22, 2002

This weekend I hiked my very first volcano. After that dreadful incident where I was positively shamed by my hiking companions in the Pyrenees (who didn't posess any body fat) I decided it would be best to hike alone. Truth is that I'm a casual hiker and am usually more interested in the flora and fauna than in reaching summits. Having said that, I did in fact reach the summit, but only after exploring every other path on the island and having taken pictures of many different types of ferns for my beloved sister. The birds here are exquisite as well! The birdsong was a singular experience in itself. Some of them sounded like magical songpipes.

There are fantastic caves to explore created by the lava years ago. When I was a child I always dreamed of caves. The adventures one could have with a cave!! These were everything that I'd ever wanted -except secret. A good cave loses value if it's not a secret as every adventurer knows.

The whole island is full of lava of many colors, lush forests and undergrowth. The summit comands quite a view of the rest of the islands surrounding Auckland. Mountains, island, volcanos and finally Auckland itself. Then there is the peace. Perhaps the peace is what I enjoyed the most. To spend a day in silence listening the the song of life that surrounds you...perhaps this was the chief treasure of the day. I intend to explore more of the islands nearby.

jueves, julio 18, 2002

My favorite commercial has Madonna's Ray of Light playing in the background and a bright green field against a bright blue sky (and people flying - I think it's for Sony Vaio). Whenever I look out the window of my school, I see this bright green grass of a rolling hill and the bright blue sky behind it...it sets my heart aflame with joy.

It's been a rocky start here as some of you well know- being re-routed again and again while my luggage left the other way around the world..having no luggage for days...culture shock (large Asian population here, and the people that speak English speak funny and I couldn't understand them...worse yet, they couldn't understand me either) Very demoralizing. Then it rained everyday for my first three weeks and I discovered that my only sweater smells like a baby alpaca if it's even slightly damp and my kid leather trenchcoat isn't really meant for rain but my tweed jacket soaks up the rain very well. Then I was hit by a car (just bruised, nothing worthy of Hollywood) at which point I smiled, waved the driver on and promptly found a place to cry into the night "That's it!!! I'm soaking wet again, I miss my cat and I've been hit by a car- I'm going home!!" After taking a deep breath I of course realized that my ticket doesn't return to Barcelona for 6 months and I didn't have much money so I might as well go to look at the flat I was on my way to see. Loved the flat, the guy drove me home afterwards with a tongue in cheek warning about cars. Then I drank a cup of jasmine green tea and went to bed with the determination to see it all through. I got the flat the next day, and I'm much happier now that I'm living there. I may feel like I'm still a babe in the woods, but I'm a bit old to be staying in University accomodations. Particularly when some the residents are my own students.

Those of you who know me well know that I have a difficult time each and everytime I'm in a new place and may even be baffled as to why I continue to move so very much, and to you I say "It's a madness. I can't help it and further more, I wouldn't change a thing." It is a mystery to be sure, but that is the great joy of being a Gemini and having two completely opposite personalities existing in one body. One needs the constant change in order to live and the other hates changes and clings to traditions and habits like there's no tomorrow. I'd like to see you pacify both of these!! It's no easy task, I can tell you! Fortunately, both sides of me suffer one another and take turns being in the forefront, each knowing that their turn will come again.

I'm looking forward to great adventures here in New Zealand. I bought a rain coat in a brilliant Kermit the Frog had a nuclear accident green (easier for cars to see), a rainproof trekking backpack, hiking boots and a non smelly sweater. The sun came out and I look to the right when crossing the street (they drive on the left). I love my new room, the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning is the sky against a beautiful green hill (there is a volcano in the middle of the city). I love my flat mates, three great guys- a German student, a biomedical engineer, and a graphic designer (Jer---, Brian and Gareth) The German guy just moved in, I'll remember his name in a few days. People here are very friendly (even if they do talk funny) and the skin care is everything I always wanted, even if the toilet paper smells (perfumed!! Can you believe it??!). Spanish speakers, you are welcome to correct my grammar on my Spanish postings- I'm doing my best to not only keep up my Spanish, but to improve and be conversational in December when I return to BCN for Christmas and New Years.

I must go now, but until the next installment enjoy life to the fullest!

miércoles, julio 17, 2002

Hola todos! Aqui, todo esta bien, pero hecho de menos el sol. Dos fin de semanas passados, fui con dos amigos a la a ventura en la isla norte (N.Z) El campo aqui es increible!! Todo es verde y humedo. Alguna cosas son imposible hacer porque e lluvia cada dia. Por ejemplo paracaidas y alas delta. Compro un impermeable verde muy fuerte. Encontre dos personas de Madrid me ayudain practicar espanol. Me gustan mis acompaneros de piso. Vivo con tres chicos -Brian, Gareth (de N.Z.) y un Aleman. Non recuerdo el nombre de ultimo chico. El llego ayer, pero el es muy simpatico. Nosotros bebimos un botella de vino tinto anoche y hablamos por horas. Esta noches, nosotros bebimos vodka (un poquito para mi - prefiero vino!)

viernes, julio 12, 2002

Hola todos! Como estas? I'm having no luck in New Zealand so far with a computer. Apparently I really need to be paid first. So- I thought I would simply keep in touch with all of you via the web. I will of course still answer emails, but for the general "I wonder how Willow is?" this is by far a better solution than my spending hours in a pricey internet cafe and not writing everyone that I want to stay in touch with. I trust that it will also provide a bit of entertainment for you. If not, it's your own fault for reading it and I have no sympathy.

New Zealand is beautiful. Last weekend I went skydiving with a couple of friends. Unfortunately, it was too windy, so we couldn't skydive. We decided to go para gliding instead- too windy. Ab-sailing? Caves were underwater. No luck. So, we drove a couple of hours to see a giant bottle of "World Famous in New Zealand- L&P". At first we were a little suspicious- it didn't look that tall. Fortunately there was a cafe where we were able to purchase L&P (it is truly unlike anything else- sort of a lemon-ish carbonated interpretation of tea and cleaning fluid?) and pay too much for a vaguely attractive lunch entirely devoid of flavor. Upon exiting the cafe we had come to the determination that this was NOT in fact the giant bottle, but a MEDIUM sized bottle and furthermore, the name L&P wasn't even in the name of the cafe, but was instead just put up on the sign in a way to imply that it was, when in fact it the only concrete established by the sign was that L&P was sold in "Cafe & Bar". Demoralized and not even mildly entertained by our belated realization, we made our way up the street to the REAL giant bottle where Katherine -obviously one of the group I was with, as you can tell by the context, please stop interupting with frivolous details- took pictures out of a sense of obligation. We did after all drive two hours to see this giant bottle! We were dutifully excited and read all of the plaques which were very entertaining and told us all about the wonders of the springs that it was originally made from. They would have pilgrimages made to them for healing purposes if they were in Europe, and a great many other wonderful things if they were somewhere else. When we finished reading, we realized that they don't even use the original water anymore and L&P is actually now bottled by Coca Cola (Coca Cola was actually discovered upon further reading of the drinkable bottles purchased in the Bar and Cafe).....hmm. Katherine needed comfort after that last bit. It was like hearing that Santa doesn't exist.

Right then. Up the road to hike a beautiful lush gorge! Oh the ferns!! Never have I seen such lush growth!! Fabulous day for a hike. We were just about to leave the car when......it began to rain. Then it began to pour. Then it poured harder. Not to be discouraged, we decided to go to the beach instead. (Sarcastic comments to yourself please). Fortunately, at the beach it wasn't raining. I collected a great many seashells and a cool piece of driftwood. We discovered an unexpected trail that would take us to some scenic waterfalls in just over an hour! Gorgeous scenery, beautiful day, what could be better?! Unfortunately Christopher (the other member of our trio) wasn't actually prepared to walk uphill on a slick muddy path, so we had to turn back a few minutes into the climb. We did however see a lovely view before trekking back to the car which we reached just as it began to rain- we then congratulated ourselves at our good sense to turn back before we got soaked and fell slip sliding down a steep hill into the sea. On the way back to Auckland we stopped off at a lovely little ice-cream and country store shaped like a castle for some decent ice-cream and bad potato chips (crisps).

Not a bad day.

Until the next installment,