martes, febrero 28, 2006

photos from a gypsy gemini

It's been a long while since my server with photos has been down. I've just put up a few pictures on
More are forthcoming. For now, I just put up ones that I thought were particularly interesting. In a way these photographs mark a major change in me. I've always steered toward geometric shapes and architectural shots, waiting for long periods of time to make sure that there were no people in my pictures. Something has happened to me in my travels: I've really grown to love people and see their inner beauty shine through. I think it shows in the photographs.

I still maintain that photographs, although personal to the photographer, ought to stand on their own and convey a feeling or move the observer. Photographs of people should tell a story of a moment or a life. I hope I've accomplished that in some small way. Your comments are welcome both here and emailed to me personally.

jueves, febrero 23, 2006

free flow thoughts on true love...

I experienced true love this holiday. It was kind, giving and tender. It was not jealous, it did not desire to change or be changed. It laughed and enjoyed each moment to the fullest. It did not need or want for anything, although it freely gave and received. It was not wary nor did it weary. It did not try to be more or less than it was. It did not demand anything in return for its presence. It simply "was", and in simply being, it did not plan a future full of hopes and dreams, goals and families, cars and houses.

It remained itself, content and joyful in the moment, basking in the sunlight of its purity, filling those it touched with the warm glow of life. It did not bind them, but filled their hearts and souls like the most beautiful sunset ever glimpsed.

True Love
Most of us have thought a lot about this. We dream of finding the meaning behind these words from a time when we are too young to even consider the opposite sex as "cootie" free. As children our heads were filled with Disney, true love and fairy tale endings until we imagined that it was an absolute. We fully expected to reach the words "and they lived happily ever after."

Perhaps that's why first love is so intense, and then the biggest heartbreak.

"You know, the worst thing about breaking up isn't giving up or begin without the person, it's giving up all of the dreams you'd built in your head of the future."
- an ex-boyfriend upon our break-up

So why does love hurt so much? Perhaps it doesn't. Perhaps love is a pure and beautiful crystal clear lake which we like to swim in...then if we stay awhile, we pee in it, then we toss in our garbage, then leeches...then one day we say, "What happened to it? It used to be so nice."

Most of us aren't comfortable unless we are at least a little unhappy, yet ultimately we think that love should be easy, beautiful and magical. We try to make love fit our ideas of how it should be and assume it's gone bad and should be thrown out when it no longer fits. Of course we also think that it should grow...

Marriage, passion, romance (or perhaps that should be romance, passion, marriage) begin with Eros, or erotic love. It's largely physical and in many ways quite shallow, although exciting and fulfilling for a time. After a few years of marriage, the passion dies down and is replaced by philo, "brotherly" love. Is this love any less valid or beautiful? Yet so many prefer to throw it out, thinking that love has gone bad simply because it's changed. It's grown.

The third kind of love is agape, or unconditional. It's often referred to as the love of God. Can we, as humans, feel agape? Agape is the love that consumes. It takes over our hearts, souls and bodies filling our senses with love.

Have you ever felt (for one reason or another) full of love for the world and everyone in it? This is agape. It's most often expressed today in the form of enthusiasm: when someone is so passionate about something that it consumes their emotions body and soul- that's agape.

Perhaps as humans we're only capable of feeling it in bursts. Can you imagine someone full of love and enthusiasm for everything all the time?! They'd shortly find themselves forcefully stuck in a mental hospital. (That's a sobering thought.)

Reading back, I realized that it was an interesting choice of words that later revealed their meaning to my conscious mind.

"I experienced true love..."
"I fell in love..."

I can't say that I fell in love. I didn't. Neither did he. Rather, our hearts and souls dipped into the soul of the world, and there we were filled with love. How did he experience it? Was it in the same way that I did? I don't know. Each person is different and perceives the same event differently. What do I know? I know that the experiences we shared, innocent as they were, filled me with agape. It was three days before it finally faded from my being, but it left me in a much better place than it found me. How could it not? Even now, the world is a little more beautiful and the crystal lagoons of the Maldives sparkle a little brighter because of it.

I also know that in the Soul of the World I loved him, and because the Soul of the World exists concurrently in all times, I love him and will always love him. In the physical world? Well, I am truly thankful for those twenty hours of communion and hope that we meet again. Further, I hope that we maintain and nourish a friendship because of what we've shared. (Notice the choice of words, "I hope..." not, "I expect..." or "I need..." or even "I want..." but hope, simply a good wish for the future, not something one hangs the future of one's happiness on.)

As I look at this true love, I become more aware of others. My best friend is also a true love. Just because we don't want to mate doesn't make it any less true. I would give anything and everything I have without hesitation if it would help him in anyway, and he for me. When I think of him it always begins with warmth in the bottom of my heart that quickly moves a smile onto my face and a softness to my eyes and a gladness that reaches all the way down to my toes. The last few years haven't been good years for him, but that does not and will not change my love. If anything, it becomes stronger because in those times I can perhaps give more to him than I could in other times.

Finally, I think of all of the little moments of true love. I define true love as agape, or unconditional love that fills our hearts and beings. I remember watching a young girl dancing in the waves, a father and son fly a really cool kite on a perfect afternoon, an old woman with eyes that sparkle as she tells me of her wild youth. In all of these moments I was filled with love and happiness, yet I did not expect things of them. I didn't ask for commitments or favors.

True love asks nothing. It simply "is".

jueves, febrero 16, 2006

feeling loopy

Goodness, I was going to write something big and meaningful or at least descriptive, but the drugs I'm on to keep me breathing are making me super loopy.

So, I will sum up:
I did a snorkeling tour. Apparently the islands here generally don't have clear water, it's only one particular island which does. I did a tour there and it was like the Maldives on a really bad visibility day. There were tons of juvenile black tip sharks, but they are so used to being fed that they behave funny. I've never seen so many sharks in hunting mode so early in the day. I also saw a five foot long barracuda; which thankfully I saw from above the water and not in it, although one odd American wanted to get close to it to get a picture. The reason for the cloudiness in the water is because there are just so many plankton. This adds to the problem of snorkeling because tons of plankton feel like stinging nettles all over your body. After an hour, I had had enough of the plankton and came out to relax, write and dry off.

I know, sounds dreadful, but I actually had a lovely day. It's true that I only spent one of four hours actually snorkeling, but it was enough to compare to the Maldives, which is the only place I've ever snorkeled. Now I know it's really one of the best, and I know why. Other than that, I relaxed watching the happy snorkelers and the fish in the light green lagoon.

Tomorrow I'm going abseiling, then the day after will be my last day before returning to KL. I think I'll have time for one more tour: caves, the jungle and an eagle island.

It's been a grand holiday. Pictures to follow.

lunes, febrero 13, 2006

strange days

on a train to Langkawi...

The last two days have contained such an odd series of events. Yesterday, instead of going to the jungles of Taman Negara early morning as planned, I took an overnight train to Langkawi (a beautiful island), a place not even in my Lonely Planet (LP SE Asia). To know why, it is necessary to turn back to the time...

Lunchtime two days ago I asked T- (afterwards known as the Eccentric), the hostel owner, for a good Indian Place to eat. He showed me, then afterwards he asked if I was in a rush, or if I could join him for a drink somewhere else. We ended up spending about 2 hours all told, and he actually (mostly) talked to me the whole time. I remember being impressed that this manic ADD eccentric was able to complete a conversation. He said he wanted to cook me dinner that night. I agreed, but when I called him later, he had changed the plans and wanted a quiet night out with an English couple. I agreed, and later discovered that he had called to cancel (if indeed there ever was an English couple).

When we arrived back at the hostel, he was very drunk (I was fairly tipsy, but sobered up when things took a bad turn.)

Walking into the hostel, there was a young man sitting in the hanging wicker chair, staring at nothing, eyes wide open like an owl. There was something so odd or comical about his expression, I had to speak to him. His name was Daniel from Colombia. We said a couple of things in Spanish and the eccentric piped in a very angry, "Hey! Speak English!!" I glanced over a and there were black billowing clouds boiling around him. He then proceeded to tell Daniel to go away and stop talking to me. Daniel , who had moved to the sofa to better talk to us said, " I'm sorry, I completely understand." and moved back to the hanging chair just behind the sofa and retrieved his owl expression. I wanted to giggle, but thought it unwise given the bolts of lightning off of the Eccentric.

I began to write a note (in Spanish), "Friend, I'm sorry. I don't know why he's jealous. He's drunk. If you want to chat for a bit, I'm upstairs in room 21." Before I had finished it, an old guy came in and asked Daniel to join him for dinner. He agreed and left. I said goodnight and was met by a hurl of accusations and insults from the Eccentric. By the end, I was so upset because of all of the bad energy and the fact that I knew I'd face another sleepless night (I hadn't slept more than 2 hours in a night for a week and was ready to die of exhaustion). I went upstairs and packed. Eccentric came in and apologized until I agreed to finish the night.

Given that we were in a sketchy neighborhood and only a couple of very expensive places would be open, I finally agreed on the conditions that he let the whole thing drop and that he apologize to Daniel. The bad energy was down to a semi-tolerable (but not sleepable) level.

I washed up for bed and upon exiting the communal bathroom, to my surprise and dismay, both the Eccentric and Daniel were outside waiting for me. Daniel tried to get me to forgive the Eccentric and I agreed (why was this brought up again???) then they went downstairs together. I was seriously annoyed/bummed because I really wanted to talk to Daniel.

I listened from the stairs and was happy that they said goodnight after only a few minutes. As I had hoped, Daniel's room was upstairs. I conspired to walk into my room just as he came by. It worked, and he came in to talk.

We talked the whole night until 10.00 the next morning. We talked of energy, Colombia, past lives, healing, family, movies and so much more. I discovered in him, a very intelligent, caring old soul. I read his palm and felt his energy as I held his hands to do so. We spoke of the poor of his country and of mine, of the classes and possibilities; of walls and fears, things people make to give themselves feelings of assurance and that make them confident of what can and cannot be done. We even spoke of the different meanings of "psychic" or clairvoyance and their significance.

He left around 10.-10.20 and returned after noon. I was playing guitar and he came in to listen and fell asleep for a little while. We spent most of the day talking, and he helped me carry my things to KL Sentral and to decide on where to go. That was when things got really difficult.

The eccentric had decided that HE was taking me to the station. I said no in a very nice but firm way, especially when he insisted. The problem was that it quickly became impossible for Daniel and I to slip out separately and unnoticed because if I went alone, the Eccentric insisted on coming with me. Finally I said that Daniel was coming. He got very disturbed and asked if he could "talk with me" I didn't want to, but agreed for the sake of peace. He scolded, accused and blamed. Then he apologized, pleaded and (when that didn't work) lashed out, scolded accused and blamed. When I had finally maneuvered him back into the apologizing stage, I said some words of peace and goodbye. I even hugged him despite not wanting to come so close to his dreadful energy.

Daniel and I left together and he had a firm picture in his head of the Eccentric searching through all of the bags looking for his to kick it. We had left the Eccentric on the sofa rubbing his eyes to hold back the tears. His insides were rumbling and tortured with the anger and jealousy within.

Where did it come from? Well, I don't see people's masks that they project to the world, and on some level they sense that. I had no idea that he acts like a tough guy (Daniel explained this to me). To me, he is a 29 year old petulant child full of insecurities and desiring o be the center of attention. He wants everyone to think he's great; a big man.

Some part of him sensed that I saw through everything he tried to project. This created (inspired) strong feelings towards me. He boasted to everyone he saw that I was his best friend from way back. He began to feel a sense of "ownership" because of his feelings. I saw him from the inside out and didn't reject him. He felt empowered, and yet insecure because although not rejecting, I also didn't praise and boast of him. This ate at him. Without his mask he felt vulnerable. He schemed to take me out alone. Then, there was someone else there and I gave the other some attention. Worse, we shared a common language other than English. It was too great to bear. First he pouted, then was rude, then yelled and threw a temper tantrum.

Unlike a petulant child, a grown man is physically much more dangerous. The blackness boiled, thickened and grew inside of him as he fueled it with alcohol. His thoughts turned to violence. He blamed Daniel for ruining everything. In his mind, Daniel had appeared from nowhere like Spiderman and had leapt into the middle of his grand plans. (No matter that Daniel was already there when we got there and I had in fact been the one to speak to him. Nor, that was I nothing but friendly with anyone, as I have a boyfriend, which he knew about.)

The blackness grew. He wanted to hurt Daniel. He imagined how good it would feel to hurt this usurper. He called some friends to help. They'd teach this interloper a lesson!! He waited for Daniel to return for his things, tortured by the thoughts of us together...what were we doing?? Had he really just taken me to another hostel and not the train station as I had said? I wanted to escape HIM and all because of this treacherous youth!! He tried calling me time and time again with no answer (he called 18 times and I turned off my phone).

When finally Daniel returned, the Eccentric was waiting for him at the entrance. "Can I talk to you??" His skin fairly crackled with the bult up anger storm. He interrogated Daniel about where I was (Wasn't I really there with him now??!!), where I was going, what we had done alone for so long...

Daniel sensed the murderous intentions of the Eccentric. He saw that the Eccentric was trying to intimidate him, find weakness so that he could attack. When the phone rang for the Eccentric, he was like the dark yet greenish clouds that blot out the sky warning of a tornado. "He's right here! He's right here!" he exclaimed excitedly into the phone, holding Daniel hard in his gaze while he spoke. Daniel had a picture come to his mind of a dark plan. The Eccentric wanted back-up. Daniel became affrontive, "What?!! You think I'm lying?! You think I'm lying?! I'm not from those soft, baby-faced European countries. In my country it means something if you use that word. You want to start something?!!" The Eccentric backed down a little and Daniel seized the moment to make a quick exit. He saw the Eccentric scrambling for his shoes as he hurried out the door, sensing his intention to follow. He ran, being as careful as he could to avoid being seen. He yelled for me to "Run! They're coming!!" His bag was open and something fell out, a t-shirt and a pair of underwear. I was past before I realized and yelled at him, but he turned and said, "No time! Run as fast as you can!"

I'm not a runner in the best of times. After nearly two years on an island smaller than a football field, running is NOT much of an option. I tried anyway. We took a wrong turn or two, but looped back to the station. I secretly thought that by not taking a direct route, we were less likely to be seen.

In KL Sentral, we looked around, nervous, but saw no sign of the Eccentric. Our goodbyes were marred by the feeling of malice that had followed us.

As I wrote this, I realized that everytime I wrote "the Eccentric," what I heard in my mind was "Miguel" (the guy in Peru who took care of me during salmonella and typhoid two years ago, then went angry and crazy demanding that I marry him). I thought about Paulo Coehlo's demon on the road to Santiago and realized that "Miguel" is my demon. This Miguel tried to lay webs to force me to come back. The last web is 160 RM ($42-$45 USD) from a canceled tour to Teman Negara. I have to decide what the correct way to face my demon is. I suspect that it is to show that there is no web, no tie that can hold me to him. He tried to offer me a free night, a trip to Malaca, a future job as the manager of his own hostel, and finally to lure me with my own money (and a promise to return it). Daniel warned me, "Never go back to that place!" I think I shan't.

jueves, febrero 09, 2006

first day in KL

I woke up at 4am this morning. Since I had gone to bed at 9pm the night before, I didn't think there was much chance or point of sleeping. Besides, Return of the King was on TV. Starving, I waited until after sunrise to make my way to my favorite hawker stall for breakfast. It has especially yummy tofu...although any healthful things I might have felt said goodbye when I agreed to have everything in a bowl of tasty but artery clogging laksa. The red chili oil splattered everythwere as I tackled the big pieces with chopsticks. I was thankful to be wearing a black top.

About that time, a couple of men walked into the alley. They greeted and chatted jokingly with the people in the hawker stall. The older one was extremely gaunt, making his muscular shoulders seem almost an abnormality. His face was slightly marred as if part of his chin had been remvoed, and his speech seemed to indicated a stroke at some point past. He wasn't pretty...but his eyes were young and full of a deep love for life.

I watched and smiled warmly. He stood transfixed, but returned the smile as he searched his memories. Perhaps not quite finding what he searched for, he nodded and moved to go into the inn across from me. As he passed behind me, he lightly tapped my tattoo, smiled and said, "You've changed your hair!". I laughed and queried, "Gan?" He nodded.

My old friend joined me for a few minutes. Apparently he has cancer, and has had for nearly 4 years. I thought back to our first meeting more than a year ago. He was thin then, but this year had taken a toll on his already slight build. He glazed over the treatments and told me that he's on chemo now. I pointed to his full head of hair and he started laughing. "Chemo makes it grow! It's supposed to fall out, but mine is growing and growing!" He laughed a merry laugh, the same old twinkle in his eyes. I have rarely seen anyone so joyful as this dear man who sleeps on a cot in the hall of the Grocer's Inn, a "Backpackers" that happened by chance*. This dear old man is one of the best people I've ever met. We made a date- I'm going to come tonight with my guitar and he's promised the best food in all of Chinatown.**

I'm feeling very happy and full of love and good energy (except for the early morning artery clogging fest).

*The Grocer's Inn Backpackers came into being first as a bar upstairs in Chinatown. The problem was that the bathroom was on another floor. In order to have access to the bathroom on the same floor (down the hall and outside on the veranda), they rented the whole floor. Then they put beds in an alcove and one room and called it a backpackers'. Since I first came, they have cut the bar in half and now have thirteen rooms and three clean shared bathrooms (cold showers).

**Dinner was fantastic!