OK, no Bolivia. I have to go this weekend for the visa renewal. I went out dancing Friday night after 3 days of feeling great (post salmonella) and after dancing a little I didn't feel so good.
I left and got a sandwich, came back and just sort of waited cross-legged on a table in a corner until it was semi respectable to ask to leave. (I didn't have money for a cab cause I spent all my pocket money on food).
All night I was sick. Didn't worry too much though (do I ever?) Then the next day. ALL DAY. This time just vomiting. LOTS of vomiting. It was awful. Of course I was still planning on going to Bolivia. I figured it would pass- I'm usually like a cat that way. Once the furr ball is gone I'm fine. I checked out of my hostel, but had to wait 5 hours before I figured I had a window between the vomiting long enough to make a 5 minute walk across the square. Miguel took me home where I hogged the bathroom (never seen 6 guys run so fast with terror in their eyes to clear the way...of course I had vomited for quite a while in their trashcan at the studio that morning so they knew I was serious).
After no real sleeping or eating on Saturday or Saturday night...after my bright and early Sunday morning vomit I announced that I'd like to go back to the hospital please....
Guess what? Every met anyone in your whole life that had Typhoid Fever? Now you have. All in all, I'd say that Salmonella felt a hell of a lot worse, but Typhoid had me hospitalized from 7am Sunday morning until 6pm Wednesday night. 4 days. They pumped BAGS full of drugs into my arms. Of course they explained that they weren't they drugs they really wanted to give me, but that damn severe penicillan allergy...
My arm is positively BRUISED from the IV. I am SOOOOOOooooooooooooo happy to be out of the hospital!!!!!
I promise to write later about the electric shower- the water is made sort of not coldish by many electric wires that go into the shower head. Every so often you get a bit of a ZZZzztt jolt, but you can feel the electricity around you pretty steadily..especially if you touch the faucet. That was a big day. Good story. I'll write it later.
Don't worry, I'm OK. I have another 14 days worth of half a dozen different drugs to be taken at all hours of the day and night, but no more injections. I'm to report back in a week to check how my liver is taking it all in. This time the Dr spoke pretty good english, for which I was thrilled.
Also, everyone in the hospital knows me by name now. They would all sneak in to talk to me day and night. Even people who were just visiting other people in the hospital came in to talk to me for no real reason. So friendly . So VERY friendly.
I'm home. I'm ok. I begin work tomorrow (well, meeting tomorrow, work the next day). I will write more probably tomorrow. I'm fine now...just have to eat nothing but boiled food for the next 2 weeks. I'm thinking of making it my permanent diet here. Plain rice, boiled chicken, soup, and...well that's about it actually. sigh. oh well. better than vomiting. In Bolivia I plan to only eat prepackaged imported American foods when I absolutely have to eat something. They aren't as particular in Bolivia about hygene as they are in Peru.
Don't worry, be happy I love you all!!! Peace be with you and most importantly....HEALTH!!